Digital infrastructure built right

Ember is a Swedish digital infrastructure provider serving customers worldwide. Founded 2011

We design, build and operate our own HPC and AI ready datacenters in Sweden. Our services range from Cloud compute, Bare-metal servers, Co-location and GPU compute. How can we help you?

Call +46 510-60 660 (08-16 CET)


  • Fabriksgatan 4, 531 60 Lidköping, Sweden
  • Kaplansgatan 16D, 541 34 Skövde, Sweden
  • Stigbergsliden 4, 414 63 Göteborg, Sweden
Andreas Aronsson
Andreas Aronsson CEO & founding partner

From the ground up

Let's be straightforward about the cloud, the packaging and models needs to be redone, and we need to call a spade a spade. Cloud with all its advantages, but without the magic mystique surrounding it.

Sweden is magical, though! Here, we design, build, and operate our own data centers in a cold climate with clean and reliable power supply. Building from the ground up is important for us to in a trustworthy manner guarantee reliable and future proof digital infrastructure.

Let's not confine ourselves to the current narrow concept of the cloud or, for that matter, on-premises. Let's rethink and combine! We've built it right from the ground up, so you can too.


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We understand the importance of your privacy and want to assure you that your personal information is treated with the utmost care and confidentiality. Read our privacy policy here.